Tag Archives: Fiction

New Substack Post

Writing Likeable Characters . . . Or Not


ICYMI: Book Trailers!

Thanks to Megan Edwards and the great folks at Imbrifex Books, you can now view the book trailers for Comanche, Lord of Order, and my forthcoming young adult novel Freaks. Enjoy and share! (Oh, and buy the books. Support independent authors and presses!)

New fiction published

Want to read about a vampire’s existential crisis and his sojourn among Antarctica’s Emperor penguins? Then check out f(r)iction issue #11, on sale now. As a bonus, you’ll get a lot of great literature and some really cool art.

New Short Story

Check out my latest published short story, “Far Away from the Path and a Little Bit Lost,” on Ghost Town. It’s a contemporary re imagining of “Red Riding Hood” set in post-Katrina New Orleans’s 8th Ward.

New story on BLUESTEM

“Mating Behaviors of Urban White Males in the Southern United States” is now live on BLUESTEM. Hope you don’t hate it.

New Fiction Acceptance

I’m happy to report that my short story, “Salvation Is a Joke with no Punchline,” has been accepted at Solstice Literary Magazine, conditional upon some minor revisions I have no problem making. I’m glad to be back at Solstice and am happy this story found a home. I’ll holler at ya when it’s published.

New Fiction Published

My short story, “Everyone Here Comes from Somewhere Else,” is now live at THE COURTSHIP OF WINDS. Please check it out. And if you don’t like me enough to read it, at least click on it and give the journal a hit, mmmmkay?


New Fiction Forthcoming

Very grateful that my story “Closed for Storm” was accepted by The Baltimore Review. As always, thanks to God, Kalene, the editors, my friends and family, and my readers.

New Fiction Acceptance

Thanks to the small online literary mag THE COURTSHIP OF WINDS for accepting my short story, “Everyone Here Comes from Somewhere Else.” This is one of those stories that is kind of a hard sell, and I’m very grateful someone appreciates it. And thanks, as always, to God, Kalene, my kids, my friends, and my readers.